Sci Tech Daily, April 2024: Uncovering the Genetic Mystery: Why Some Never Show COVID-19 Symptoms

The conversation, July 2023: Asymptomatic COVID-19 is linked to a gene variant that boosts immune memory after exposure to prior seasonal cold viruses

Australian Synchrotron web site, July 2023: Synchrotron light illuminates key structures in study on genetic basis for COVID-19 immunity, July 2023: Aussie scientists identify gene that dramatically reduces Covid-19 effects

NBC news, July 2023: Always asymptomatic? If you never get sick from Covid, it could be in your genes

University of Minnestota, July 2023: Study offers first evidence of a genetic basis for why some have no symptoms with COVID-19

The Daily Mail Australia, July 2023: Had Covid but never felt sick? Scientists think they’ve finally cracked the secret of the ‘super-dodgers’

Earth, Nature, Science, Life, July 2023: “Super-dodgers” who don’t get sick from COVID-19 may have special HLA genetic mutation

Australian Synchrotron web site, June 2021: Researchers use ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron to clarify immune response mechanism

La Trobe University web site, October 2021

The University of Queensland web site, October 2020: Funding allows researchers to uncover the secrets of COVID-19 immunity

Monash University, October 2020: Funding allows researchers to uncover the secrets of COVID-19 immunity link

Monash University, June 2018: A “super” receptor that helps kill HIV infected cells link